Findh2o locates any defined toxic area @low fee to save life
Cost & steps to locate toxic      page one
Our technical rights fee starts at $50,000 US dollars for toxic sources based on country, travel, our risk
, toxic contaminate and technical challenge.  The fees for water start at $10,000.

At your initial inquiry, email photo, your contact and open a $10,000USD security deposit. We quote
our technical fee. If you approve, you sign a contract, wire half fee, escrow half fee in your bank to consider your case.

Please email in English all details of water or toxic area and color photo:

We target the specific coordinates, you provide standby repair team to fix  within 1 to 2 days after
our site is confirmed. Your Team able to accept directions to a site with a gps, compass, cellular phone
and laptop computer aids.

We can accept emergency cases. All rights and information provided are private, confidential and
sole property of findh2o
. All case data is private.

For new water resource or to locate toxic source and immediate action on signing agreement,
email Thank You.